If you are ready to grow your own garden, trust Wild Flowers to help! Our team has the knowledge and experience needed to source the perfect seeds for your specific application. We offer the most unique selection of Michigan Native plants for rock gardening, as well as seeds in both retail and wholesale quantities. Please note that quantities for all our native plants are limited, so we do recommend pre-ordering online, contact for pricing and availability on seed.
We can help you with consultation, design, and native plant gardening techniques. Wild Flowers can help you to restore any neglected garden space using local Northern Michigan native plants and seeds. Our mission is to help local people gain the knowledge they need to create sustainable, diverse, environmentally friendly gardens. Contact Wild Flowers today for a range of services, including:
Latin Name | Common Name | Plug Cost | Flat Cost | |
Available in June | ||||
Allium cernnum | Nodding Wild onion | 2$ | 120$ | North Michigan Seed |
Anaphalis margaritaceae | Pearly Everlasting | 2$ | 120$ | |
Antennaria howellii | Small Pussytoes | 2$ | 120$ | ssp. canadensis |
Aquilegia canadensis | Columbine | 2$ | 120$ | |
Blephilia ciliata | Ohio Downy Mint | 2.25$ | 140$ | |
Campanula Rotundifolia | Harebell | 2$ | 120$ | |
Cerastium arvense | Field Chickweed | 2$ | 120$ | |
Clinpodium arkansanum | Limestone Calamint | 2.25$ | 140$ | |
Draba arabisans | Rock Whitlow Grass | 2$ | 120$ | |
Geum triflorum | Prairie Smoke | 2.50$ | 160$ | |
Houstonia canadensis | Canada Bluet | 2.25$ | 140$ | |
Liatris cylindraceae | Dwarf Blazing Star | 2$ | 120$ | |
Minuartia michauxii | Rock Sandwort | 2.25$ | 140$ | |
Opuntia cespitosa | Eastern Prickly Pear | 5$ | Limited Availability | Individual pots |
Packera paupercula | Balsam Ragwort | 2$ | 120$ | |
Penstemon hirsutus | Hairy Beardtongue | 2.25$ | 140$ | |
Tetraneuris herbacea* | Lakeside Daisy | 2.50$ | Limited Availability | Only available by individual |
Tiarella cordifolia | Foam Flower | 2.25$ | 140$ | |
Sedum ternatum | Woodland Stonecrop | 3$ | Limited Availability | Individual pots, Not Michigan Seed |
Sisyrinchium montanum | Mountain Blue-Eyed Grass | 2$ | 120$ | var. crebrum |
Verbena Simplex | Narrow Leaf Vervain | 2.25$ | 140$ |
Latin Name | Common Name | Plug Cost | Flat Cost |
Available in July | |||
Achillea millifolium | Yarrow | 2$ | 120$ |
Anemone cylindracea | Thimbleweed | 2$ | 120$ |
Lobelia kalmii | Kalm’s Lobelia | 2.25$ | 140$ |
Monarda fistulosa | Bee Balm | 2$ | 120$ |
Penstemon digitalis | Foxglove Beardstongue | 2.25$ | 140$ |
Shrubs | Common Name | Plug Cost | Flat Cost | |
Cornus Stolinifera | Red Osier Dogwood | 5$ | 32$ | 2-3 ft |
Hypericum kalmianum | Narrow-leaf Shrubby St. John’s Wort | 3$ | 21$ | Plugs available in July |
Prunus pumila | Sand Cherry | 5$ | 32$ | 2-3 ft |